Wednesday 18 June 2014

Unit 2, M3 and D2.

RAM is a type of computer memory which stores data. It allows data to be easily and quickly accessed from random locations. This computer system has a random access memory of 6143MB. In order to improve this specific computer’s RAM you could delete all unnecessary files from the computer’s storage leaving more memory for the things that you need. Alternatively, you could add an extra hard drive to enable you to hold more data in the storage of the computer.

The CPU score of a computer lets us know how quickly a processor is able to perform a variety of calculations. The test gives the processor a series of complex calculations to carry out. This computer has a CPU score of 796. This score could be improved simply by consolidating files on the hard drive or you could overclock your computer which means changing the clock speed on the processor in order for it to run faster than its manufacturer’s specification.

The GPU score enables the user to see the power of the GPU. This computer has a GPU score of 954, this is of a higher quality. In order to improve this score, you could update the driver and power settings or update the graphics card with a newer updated card. You could also add a RAM to boost the score.

The hardware tests score for this specific computer came back as 18 which is quite low. This could be improved by simply installing a brand new hard drive to the computer or overclocking the computer so the system runs faster. 

1 comment:

  1. www: you have evaluated the performance of a computer system, based upon benchmark testing results. M3 achieved.
    www: You have explained and justified improvements that could be made to a computer system. D2 achieved
